• May 28

    Today brings a challenging aspect between the Sun and Saturn, which may create difficulties in expressing yourself or encountering delays and obstacles in your plans. Frustration may arise, but it's essential to remain patient and persistent in overcoming setbacks. Guard against feelings of doubt, fear, insecurity, or pessimism. Additionally, Mercury forms a challenging aspect with Neptune at 10:40 am ET, which can introduce confusion or misrepresentation in communication. It may be difficult to focus and maintain attention on important matters. However, the Moon in Virgo forms a harmonious aspect with Venus and Uranus between 3:00 pm and 8:30 pm ET. It's an excellent time to connect with others and enjoy pleasant surprises in your relationships. Be open to trying new things and embracing the unexpected.

  • May 27

    The Moon continues its journey through productive and efficient Virgo for the entire day. However, be aware of the Moon's challenging aspects with the Sun and Saturn between 11:00 am and 1:00 pm ET, which sets the stage for tomorrow's square between the Sun and Saturn. During this time, you may experience self-doubt and become overly critical of yourself due to setbacks that may arise. Remember that this influence is temporary, and it's important to maintain self-confidence and resilience. On a positive note, the Moon forms a trine aspect with Mercury at 11:07 pm ET, enhancing your ability to articulate your ideas to others clearly. It's an excellent time for productive and effective communication, as well as for planning, problem-solving, and accomplishing tasks.

  • May 26

    The Moon spends the entire day void in Leo before entering Virgo at 11:06 pm ET. With the Moon void, taking it easy or focusing on finishing existing tasks rather than starting new endeavors is advisable. Starting anything new may not yield fruitful results. However, the day brings a harmonious aspect between Venus and Uranus, opening the door for excitement in existing relationships and the potential for sparking new connections. You may find yourself drawn to people who are considered unconventional

  • May 25

    The Moon continues its journey through the fiery and fun sign of Leo, but its ruler, the Sun, forms a square aspect with Saturn. This aspect may temporarily limit your ability to enjoy pleasurable activities fully. Additionally, the Moon squares with Mercury, making it challenging to express your feelings and be understood by others. Feeling misunderstood or unacknowledged may result. While remaining attached to your ideas may be tempting, being flexible and open to other perspectives is beneficial.

  • May 24

    The day begins with the Moon in its void-of-course phase until it enters the vibrant sign of Leo at 10:35 am ET. While the Moon is in Leo, it forms aspects with Mars and Jupiter from 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm ET, setting off yesterday's Mars-Jupiter square. You may feel tempted to take on too much or move forward recklessly and impulsively during this time. To avoid conflicts and maintain balance, manage your energy carefully. The Moon then forms a sextile aspect with the Sun at 5:31 pm ET, encouraging you to embrace yourself with joy and optimism. Take advantage of this positive and uplifting energy to engage in activities that bring you happiness and fulfillment. However, the evening has potential conflict as Venus squares Chiron at 7:39 pm ET. Instead of reacting defensively or lashing out, confront any relationship wounds constructively and compassionately.

  • May 23

    Mars squares Jupiter, bringing a dynamic blend of energy and expansion. You may strongly desire to take action and move forward, but be cautious of potential setbacks that may delay your progress. Impatience and restlessness could push you towards impulsive or reckless behavior, so it's essential to approach growth opportunities with moderation. The Moon, still in Cancer, forms a harmonious aspect with Venus and Uranus between 8:30 am and 2:30 pm ET. This alignment activates a desire for excitement in close relationships, attracting new and different people or social experiences into your life. However, be mindful of the Moon's square aspect with Chiron at 11:36 am ET, which may bring attention to old wounds and trigger emotional reactions. Practice self-compassion and seek support when needed.

  • May 22

    The Moon continues its journey throughout the day through Cancer, its home-ruled sign. This lunar placement brings nurturing and emotional energy, creating a focus on home and family matters. At the same time, the Sun forms a harmonious aspect with Mars. This alignment enhances motivation, confidence, and energy levels, making expressing your desires and feelings more manageable. It's an opportune time to channel your energy into productive activities, especially those related to your home and loved ones. The Moon's harmonious connection with Mercury and Saturn, from noon to 3:30 pm ET, also facilitates clear and practical communication. Use this period to engage in conversations that require both intuition and practicality.

  • May 21

    The Moon is currently in its home-ruled sign of Cancer, heightening emotions and intuition for the next two days. You may find yourself feeling more sensitive and in touch with your inner self and those around you. It's an excellent time to focus on self-care and nurturing, especially towards family and loved ones. With the Sun sextile Mars, you may feel a boost in motivation, confidence, and energy. Pursue goals and act towards your desires, especially those related to home and family matters. Use this productive energy to take charge of your life and make positive changes. Additionally, the Moon is in harmony with Mercury and Saturn from noon to 3:30 pm ET, making it easier to express your thoughts and feelings clearly and practically. It's a good time for important conversations. Use this time to focus on communication and problem-solving with a clear and grounded mindset.

  • May 20

    Happy Gemini season! The Sun has moved into Gemini, marking a time of increased social activity and intellectual curiosity. Over the next 30 days, connect with others, share your thoughts and ideas, and expand your knowledge through learning and exploration. However, it's important to note that Gemini is a mutable sign, which means you may also feel easily distracted or restless during this time. To make the most of this energy, stay focused and grounded and avoid scattering your energy in too many directions. The Sun forms a trine with Pluto at 9:58 am ET. This alignment can help you tap into your inner power. You may feel compelled to let go of old habits or patterns that no longer serve you and embrace a new way of being that aligns with your true values and desires.

  • It's a time to dig deep and explore the hidden parts of yourself, as doing so can lead to greater self-awareness and personal growth. Later in the day, communication may be confused or misunderstood as the Moon in Gemini forms a square aspect with Neptune at 6:12 pm ET. You may need help to express your thoughts clearly or to understand the intentions of others. Trusting your intuition and avoiding making any major decisions or commitments is essential until things become more transparent. Finally, the Moon goes void at 6:13 pm ET, indicating it's best to avoid starting new projects or making significant changes. This phase lasts until 11:29 pm ET when the Moon enters the sign of Cancer, marking a shift toward greater emotional sensitivity and nurturing energy. Use this time to focus on self-care and connecting with loved ones.

  • May 19

    The Moon remains in the sign of Gemini for the entire day, highlighting the importance of communication and social connections. However, with Mercury still, in retrograde motion, there may be some miscommunication, delays, or confusion in these areas. It's important to double-check information and be patient with others. Meanwhile, Mars enters the bold and confident sign of Leo, where it will stay until July 10th. This placement can ignite your passion, creativity, and sense of self-expression. You may feel more confident, assertive, and willing to take risks to achieve your goals. It's important to embrace your inner strength and courage, but be mindful of coming across as too egotistical or domineering in your approach. This transit can also encourage a desire for recognition and attention, so try to balance this with humility and consideration for others.

  • May 18

    Happy Taurus New Moon! It's an auspicious lunation to focus on building something solid and of value. The Moon is exalted in Taurus and signifies a strong desire for stability, comfort, and security. The house where the New Moon falls in your natal chart indicates where you will begin something new that will likely build into something solid and potentially materially or financially valuable over time. The New Moon occurs at the critical 29th degree, which suggests a sense of urgency and the need to reassess your relationship with money and possessions. Venus in Cancer, the ruler of the New Moon, underscores the importance of security in all aspects of your life. You may start something that requires nurturing and protection or involve matters relating to your home and family. The New Moon makes several harmonious aspects, including a sextile to Mars and Neptune, encouraging you to act on your intuition and approach things with greater compassion, empathy, and spirituality over the next two weeks. You can work on your emotions in a grounded way and possess the courage to fight for what you value.

  • The New Moon also forms a harmonious aspect to Pluto, which helps you navigate emotions calmly and stably. Your inner strength and resilience can help you tap into your internal resources to overcome obstacles. Ultimately, security, especially material security, brings fulfillment. At the 29th degree of Taurus, the New Moon's symbol is "A peacock parading on the terrace of an old castle." This symbol represents the personal display of inherited gifts, suggesting that this New Moon is an excellent time to showcase your talents and abilities to achieve your desired security and stability. Mercury's sextile to Saturn helps ground the changeable and impressionable energy in the sky today, making it easier to think through things with a serious, realistic, and practical mindset. Discussions with people in authority or of a more formal nature should go smoothly. The Moon's aspects to the Sun and Neptune (9:30 am—2:00 pm ET) encourage you to pause before moving forward. With things changing and moving so quickly, it may be challenging to make a solid decision. Taking a moment to reflect can help you make a more informed and grounded choice.

  • May 17

    Today, the Sun forms a sextile with Neptune, a gentle and supportive aspect that promotes creativity, empathy, and understanding in our interactions with others. Tune into your intuition, and connect with your artistic and spiritual side. You may find it easier to tap into your imagination and be inspired by your surroundings. Later in the day, the Moon aligns with Uranus in Taurus, which can bring about sudden and unexpected changes to our emotional and material lives. This transit can create a desire for independence, freedom, and exploration, but balancing this with maintaining emotional connections and relationships is important. Try to stay open-minded and embrace new experiences while also being mindful of your actions' impact on those around you. Today's astrology encourages us to remain flexible, adaptable, and open to new possibilities.

  • May 16

    The Moon conjuncts Chiron in Aries at 11:30 am ET, offering us a chance to confront any limiting beliefs or self-doubt holding us back. This cosmic alignment reminds us to connect with our inner strength and resilience, especially during vulnerable moments. It is a time to heal past wounds and move forward with renewed confidence. Jupiter enters Taurus at 1:19 pm ET, which will stay until May 25, 2024. This transit is favorable as Jupiter is happy in Taurus, which Venus rules. During this time, prosperity and material abundance are bestowed upon us, and we may experience more stability and security in our finances and relationships.

  • Additionally, we may have a greater appreciation for life's beauty and seek experiences that provide us with comfort and pleasure. However, we must be cautious not to over-indulge in our desire for the finer things in life. Expect tangible gains in the area of life where Jupiter is transiting, and take a moment to reflect on the themes that emerged during its last transit through Taurus in 2012. Overall, this transit offers a wonderful opportunity to grow, expand, and manifest our desires.

  • May 15

    The Moon is in Aries, ruled by Mars for the next two days. This energy brings a sense of motivation, inspiration, and a desire to act. We may feel more confident and assertive during this time and more aware of our needs and wishes. At 9:44 am ET, Mars trine Neptune encourages us to take inspired action towards our dreams and goals, even if things feel uncertain. This aspect creates a sense of spiritual and creative energy, which can help us ground our dreams and aspirations. Trusting our instincts during this time can lead us in the right direction, and we may experience a heightened sense of compassion and empathy for others. However, the Moon square Venus at 7:42 pm ET may create tension between our emotional needs and our desire to nurture our relationships.

  • It's crucial to balance these two energies and stay focused on our agenda at the expense of our partnerships. In addition, Pluto has re-entered Capricorn, which will stay until January 20th, 2024. This transit is significant because Pluto has been transiting Capricorn since 2008 and will continue until 2025. During this time, themes of transformation, power, control, sex, secrets, and death/rebirth have emerged in big business, government, and professional life. Now that Pluto is answering to Saturn (ruler of Capricorn) in Pisces, we may see these themes play out in the realm of spirituality, drugs/addictions, the media, or entertainment. Pluto transits can be about a time of profound transformation and upheaval, but it can also lead to growth and positive change in the long run.

  • May 14

    The Moon continues in Pisces today. With Moon's aspect to Mars and Neptune, your intuition can guide you towards the changes required to achieve emotional security or spiritual growth.

    Mercury stations direct after a three-week retrograde, giving you the momentum to move forward in finances, material possessions, and security matters. Although there may have been delays or mistakes during the retrograde, the energy to progress is now re-emerging.

  • May 13

    The Moon is in tranquil Pisces all day. With Venus trine Saturn, you may find it easier to approach your relationships with patience, maturity, and a sense of responsibility, which can help you feel more stable and secure. It's also an excellent time to form long-lasting relationships. The Moon's sextile to Mercury allows you to connect with others on an emotional level, express your emotions in a grounded way, and tap into your empathy and intuition. However, the Moon's aspect to Venus and Saturn encourages you to maintain healthy boundaries and a realistic attitude can help you stick to your commitments and strengthen your relationships.

  • May 12

    With Mercury sextile Saturn, you may have opportunities to improve your communication skills and become a more effective problem-solver, especially when practical and emotional intelligence is needed. However, there may be a struggle between wanting to break free and staying grounded, as the Moon in Aquarius squares the Sun and Uranus. Remember to avoid resisting necessary changes during this time. Communication and emotional expression in relationships may feel more harmonious with Mercury sextile Venus making it an excellent time to connect with others on a more personal level. Finally, the Moon sextile Jupiter creates opportunities for emotional expansion and personal growth with the help of others, and you may feel optimistic about future innovation or progress. Note that the Moon will be void from 11:17 pm ET until entering Pisces at 12:07 am ET.

  • May 11

    The Moon is in friendly Aquarius all day. Venus sextile North Node brings a sense of ease to matters of the heart and finances, there may be a desire to nurture and comfort others. It's a great time to make practical decisions supporting long-term growth and security in love and finances.

  • May 10

    The Moon is currently in Capricorn and is in a challenging aspect to Mars and Jupiter which may bring up some difficulties if actions are unaligned with emotions or the need for growth. It may be challenging to balance a desire to take risks with the need for inner security and protection. However, with the Moon sextile Neptune you can blend your intuition with practicality. You may feel more sensitive and open to outside influences during this time. Remember to stay grounded and trust your intuition to navigate any challenges. The Moon will be void from 7:54 pm until 10:07 pm ET when it enters Aquarius for the next two days.

  • May 9

    The Moon spends most of the day in the hard-working and disciplined sign of Capricorn, offering a grounded energy that can help to balance out any erratic tendencies that may come with the Sun conjunct Uranus. This conjunction encourages you to embrace your independence and explore new paths, so if you've been feeling stuck, now is the time to make a change. However, balancing innovation and practicality is essential, particularly concerning finances and material security. Trust yourself to find the right balance and step towards greater personal freedom.

  • May 8

    The Moon in Sagittarius, in a challenging aspect to Venus and Neptune, can lead to confusion, illusion, or avoidance in relationships, so it is important to confront any deceptiveness and maintain boundaries. However, with the Moon trine Jupiter later in the day, a sense of positivity, adventure, and self-confidence may inspire the exploration of new experiences. The Moon is void between 4:29 pm—7:34 pm ET before entering Capricorn for the next two days.

  • MAY 7

    Venus enters emotional Cancer at 10:24 am ET until May 30. Feeling emotionally secure and cared for is essential in your close partnerships. You express affection through nurturing, cuddles, and being protective of loved ones. You may find you’re more sentimental and romanticize the past. Don’t forget to enjoy the present.

    A need to feel emotionally secure in relationships and a desire for more independence requires adjusting with Venus in a challenging aspect with Pluto at 6:10 pm ET. This uneasy balance is emotionally intense and craves profound transformation through partnerships. Allow room for both emotional intimacy and individual growth.

    Learning more about yourself can be healing with Moon in Sagittarius trine Chiron at 10:36 pm ET. Self-discovery leads to growth.

    That concludes our astrology forecast from May 1 to May 7.

  • MAY 6

    You’re in synch with the unspoken energy of others with Moon in Scorpio trine Neptune at 10:38 am ET. Your heightened sense of intuition and sensitivity helps you emotionally support others.

    Moon is void in Scorpio at 10:39 am until entering Sagittarius at 4:04 pm ET.

    There’s the potential for emotional transformation by embracing innovative ideas and fresh perspectives with the Moon in Sagittarius sextile Pluto at 4:41 pm ET. Shed old skin by breaking free of limiting beliefs and seeking experiences that challenge your worldview.

  • MAY 5

    Venus sextile fortunate Jupiter gives way for a romantic or financial boost. You may feel more generous and in the mood to socialize. Recognize and take advantage of opportunities that come your way. Don't expect too much, but a boost is likely.

    Happy Scorpio Lunar Eclipse! Today's eclipse is exact at 1:34 pm ET. In the sign of Scorpio, expect illuminations around sex, taboos, secrets, and joint finances/resources. What began at the SE in Aries reaches a peak. Something in its most raw form is being exposed to you. This eclipse is potent because it occurs at a critical degree (15* Scorpio). Release what's become too intense, toxic, entangled, or destructive (South Node in Scorpio) and invite what feels calm, stable, simple, and productive (North Node in Taurus).

  • The LE's central aspect is opposition to Uranus, making this eclipse incredibly unpredictable. Sudden changes or surprises involving home and family are likely. For example, you may find yourself in an unconventional living arrangement or discover something around your house that needs reforming. You may want to break free from a limiting situation, tradition, or the status quo involving emotional safety and nurture. Innovation and technological advancement around home life are also possible. Invite changes into your life. The eclipse falls at the Uranus-Vesta midpoint suggesting a focus of the eclipse may involve home or personal spaces dedicated to science or technology (music studio, science lab, etc.). Pluto (ruler of the eclipse) in Aquarius is square Jupiter. This aspect suggests that what unfolds over the next two weeks and six months will involve attempts to expand power, control, and influence. Resorting to underhanded ways of getting ahead will be tempting but can also cause trouble. People who will feel the LE most are people with planets between 10-18 degrees of the fixed signs (Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius, and Taurus).

  • Lunar eclipse symbol (15* Scorpio):s "Children playing around five mounds of sand. Keynote: Future-oriented growth."

    Moon in Scorpio opposes Uranus at 8:14 pm ET ushering in a wind of unexpected change. Stay flexible in case plans are disrupted.

  • MAY 4

    The Moon is in Scorpio for the next two days, illuminating what feels uncomfortable or taboo. Power and control dynamics may especially be in focus.

    Power and control dynamics in relationships become more intense with the Moon in Scorpio square Pluto at 11:12 am ET. You and a partner may not see eye to eye and are unwilling to be flexible.

    Relationship illusions, confusion, and deception are much more likely with Venus square Neptune at 1:40 pm ET. Pay attention to red flags and avoid over-sacrificing for others. Also, ensure your financial affairs are in order, and you’re not wasting money.

    It’s easier to focus on what’s most important with the Moon trine Saturn at 8:53 pm ET. You take a more serious and mature approach to your affairs.

  • MAY 3

    Moon in Libra, in a challenging aspect with Mars and Chiron (11:00 am—5:30 pm ET), may trigger old issues related to anger, selfishness, and self-assertion, making it difficult to keep your cool. Try to avoid a meltdown.

    Mars in hard aspect to Saturn 6:21 pm ET may slow you down, frustrating you. Blocks and delays make it difficult for you to get what you want.

  • MAY 2

    Moon is in Libra today, focusing more on your close relationships and issues of fairness, balance, and equality.

    You may be more prone to confusion or deception with the Sun in a challenging aspect to Neptune. Focus and clarity may be difficult to achieve today. Remain grounded and avoid getting swept up in fantasy.

  • MAY 1

    Pluto stations retrograde at 1:08 pm ET until Oct 10. Pluto will return to Capricorn on Jun 11 and remain there until Jan 20. Pluto themes (power, control, sex, death, secrets) may be more pronounced now, and you may find yourself more reflective about where in your life profound transformation is needed. Since Pluto is such a slow-moving planet, it is felt more collectively unless it aspects an individual placement in your birth chart.

  • ⠀It may be a busy day mentally with the Sun conjunct Mercury in Taurus at 7:27 pm ET. Ideas or communication will likely revolve around practical and material matters. It's an excellent time to focus on your finances and use common sense. Remember there may be something confusing or deceptive communicated with the Sun and Mercury, also in challenging aspect to Neptune.

  • ⠀Moon Virgo in challenging aspect to Venus and Neptune (7:30 pm—midnight ET) clouds relationship dynamics creating difficulty seeing things. You may be projecting a fantasy or unrealistic ideal onto a partner. It isn't a good time to make financial decisions.

    Moon is void in Virgo from 7:53 pm ET until entering Libra at 2:09 am ET.