Happy Sagittarius New Moon! The New Moon is exact at 6:32pm ET at 21 degrees Sagittarius.
The Moon is happy, upbeat, enthusiastic, and optimistic in fiery Sagittarius. There’s an emotional need to explore and broaden your horizons (either through physical or mental travel) and to engage in new experiences. Without change, excitement, and spontaneity restlessness will result. To best work with the New Moon energy embrace the nature of Sagittarian energy. Set your intentions around Sagittarian themes such as travel, foreign countries and cultures, higher education, law, philosophy, religion, politics, and beliefs.
The aspects made by the New Moon foretell the energy to come in the following two weeks.
The New Moon is conjunct Mars (the 3rd lunation in a row) continuing the active and aggressive energy we’ve been experiencing for the last six weeks. The New Moon forms a trine to Chiron showing an ability to be proactive in addressing your vulnerabilities and embracing them with compassion. You may be called on to serve as a teacher or mentor to help others through with their pain points. The New Moon also forms a trine to the North Node bringing opportunities for you to align with your purpose. There is a sense of good fortune and you will likely attract beneficial opportunities and people who can contribute to your growth. However, there can be unexpected events that challenge your sense of self, and there is likely tension between your need for stability and need for freedom and independence. Circumstances that arise at this time that will likely happen quickly and unexpectedly. Also, be prepared for there to be a lack clarity around matters, especially around commitments or important agreements. The New Moon forms a square to Neptune introducing elements of confusion, uncertainty, or deception into circumstances. It will be in your best interest to be transparent and to make sure others are too. The New Moon also squares Juno suggesting you may find romantic commitments or important agreements are not meeting your needs and creating conflict. When Neptune and Juno combine its easy to over-idealize partners or be blinded by love. This is not the time to be gullible.
It is also worth noting the New Moon is conjunct asteroids Huya (#38628) and Iris (7). Huya is said to represent “service, awareness of something missing, environmentalism, failure to pay attention.” Iris is the messenger goddess and represents “the message, sometimes apparent, at others hidden or veiled.” Jupiter in Taurus is the ruler of the New Moon showing Sagittarian energy is being channeled through the lens of security-consciousness, finances, and material possessions.
Overall, there is an air of uncertainty and deceptiveness around an important relationship or agreement, although there may be faith, hope, and optimism in its potential. Unexpected disruptions are likely, especially if you are not granted your freedom. Circumstances are likely to be changeable and move rapidly so be prepared to adapt. Commitments and agreements will be tested.
People who will feel the New Moon strongest will be those with planets and placements between 15-25 degrees of the mutable signs (Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo, and Pisces).