April 25

Chiron square Ceres can bring up past hurts or traumas related to mothering or caretaking that manifest as feelings of abandonment or inadequacy. It also may be more difficult to prioritize self-care without feeling guilty. 

Venus conjunct Eris can create discord in relationships. There may also be tensions or conflicts within your social circle. There may be disagreements about issues related to jealousy, exclusion, or competitiveness.

Mercury stations direct 8:53am ET at 16 degrees Aries. 

Moon in Pisces trine Mars and Neptune (2:00pm—7:30pm ET) encourages empathy and compassion. You may be inspired sacrifice your desires to help others. 

Sun trine Juno at 10:17pm ET fosters respect and mutual appreciation in relationships. This alignment fosters a sense of unity and cooperation. Acknowledging each other’s efforts strengthens your bond.


April 26


April 24