May 1

Venus square Pluto can intensify feelings of jealousy or possessiveness within relationships. It’s easy to become fixated on someone or something leading to obsessive behaviors. Recognize these patterns to maintain healthy boundaries and mutual respect. 

Moon square Sun 7:27am ET (3rd Quarter Moon square) is the time of the lunar month where you may feel a sense of tension between your inner desires and external responsibilities. Evaluate whether the choices you made during the lunar cycle align with your personal values and long-term goals. At this time you may experience tension between emotional security and material security. There may also be sexual or trust issues that arise. 

Moon sextile Mercury and Chiron (5:30pm—11:30pm ET) offers an opportunity to reframe negative self-talk in more empowering ways. Work to replace limiting beliefs that stem from wounds with affirming and supportive messages.


May 2


April 30