Feb 26
Moon trine Pluto at 11:47am ET brings opportunities for inner renewal and transformation. Release emotional baggage and shed habits not serving you.
Mercury sextile Ceres at 7:27pm ET brings out a natural way of comforting and nurturing others, especially through words. It’s easier to support others through your communication.
Feb 27
Mars square Jupiter can inflate your ego and lead you to take on more than you can handle or overlook important details pursuing your big goals. Balance your adventurous spirit with practical considerations.
Moon in Libra trine Venus and Mars (8:00am—1:30pm ET) can ignite feelings of passion and desire. This can spark new romantic encounters or increase intimacy in relationships.
Moon opposite Chiron at 8:16pm ET can highlight unresolved emotional issues. It’s important to acknowledge and process pain to usher in healing.
Feb 28
Mercury conjunct Sun encourages you to speak your truth, assert your opinions, and engage in meaningful conversations with others. This is a favorable time for presentations, negotiations, writing, and verbal communication.
Mercury conjunct Saturn at 4:26pm ET can enhance mental focus and discipline. More serious subjects or decisions may be on your mind. Make long-term plans, set goals, and lay a solid foundation for future success. Be mindful of challenges related to pessimism and self-doubt.
Feb 29
Mercury sextile Jupiter brings positive and uplifting energy. You may be inspired to think bigger and envision future possibilities with optimism and enthusiasm. Embrace a mindset of abundance.
Venus sextile North Node at 9:12am ET can signify fortunate encounters that are aligned with your soul purpose. It encourages pursuing what brings you genuine pleasure and happiness. Follow your inner guidance intuition in matters of love.
Moon in Scorpio trine the Sun, Mercury, and Saturn (5:30pm—11:30pm ET) makes it easier to communicate with others about important matters on an emotional level. Constructive conversations are supported. Emotions are in-synch with your thoughts and ideas.
Moon opposite Jupiter at 8:40pm ET encourages you to seek new experiences, but there can be a tendency to overindulge or become overly optimistic. Be realistic when pursuing your emotional and material desires.
Mar 1
Sun sextile Jupiter brings opportunities to expand your knowledge and understanding of the world. It’s a favorable time for learning and seeking out experiences that stimulates growth.
You may feel inspired to give back to others.
Venus sextile Chiron at 9:57am ET offers opportunities for emotional healing in matters of the heart. You may feel a greater sense wholeness through close relationships. You’re encouraged to connect with others on a deeper level.
Moon in Scorpio opposite Uranus at 12:54pm ET can evoke feelings of vulnerability and insecurity due to sudden disruptions. Try to remain adaptable in the face of unexpected changes.
Mar 2
The Moon is void until entering Sagittarius at 8:57am ET.
Moon conjunct Pluto 11:20am ET can bring about intense emotional interactions and power struggles within relationships. This can be an opportunity to confront and resolve underlying issues.
Mar 3
Venus square Uranus can bring a desire for freedom and independence in relationships that clash with a need for stability and security. You may feel more rebellious, impulsive, and crave what’s new and exciting. Break free from stagnant or limiting relationship patterns.
Moon trine Chiron at 5:29pm ET encourages a gentle and compassionate approach to what hurts you or others. You’re able to connect with your wounds with greater acceptance.
Moon square Sun and Mercury (10:00am—7:00pm ET) suggests a conflict between your emotional needs and your ability to communicate your thoughts, ideas, and feelings. This can lead to misunderstandings and difficulty expressing yourself clearly.
Moon sextile Venus and Mars (1:00pm—11:30pm ET) encourages taking the initiative when it comes to sex and relationships. Trust your instincts, follow your passions, and pursue desires with confidence.