Feb 5
The Moon is in Sagittarius throughout the day.
Mercury enters Aquarius until Mar 2. You’re encouraged to experiment with new concepts, progressive ideas, and break free from conventional wisdom. Thinking is ahead of its time. It’s easier to come up with innovative solutions making it a good time for brainstorming and coming up with out-of-the box solutions to complex problems. Discussions are approached with a rational and logical mindset. Facts and evidence are prioritized over emotions. You may also be drawn to groups or to collaborate with others who share your ideas. There will be a greater emphasis placed on communication involving technology and social media.
Venus square Chiron can trigger feelings of inadequacy or unworthiness especially in matters related to love. Processing past hurts helps you move forward with greater emotional freedom.
Sun sextile Chiron empowers you to confront vulnerabilities and embrace your true self with courage. Conditions are favorable for experiencing breakthroughs in your healing journey and finding closure to old wounds involving your identity.
Mercury conjunct Pluto heightens mental perceptions allowing you to penetrate beneath superficial layers and perceive underlying dynamics. You may feel compelled to dig deeper into complex issues and potentially uncover buried truths.
Mars square Eris at 11:44am ET can fuel anger and irritability leading to conflicts. Deep-seated resentments or jealousies may surface intensifying turmoil. Avoid unnecessary drama and aggression.
Mercury trine Juno at 8:29pm ET sharing a strong mental connection with your partner. Negotiate, compromise, and come to mutually beneficial agreements.
You’re more inclined to step outside your of comfort zone, try new things, and break free from routine with Mars trine Uranus. Seize opportunities that arise suddenly or unexpectedly.
Feb 6
The Moon enters Capricorn at 7:07am ET for the next two days.
Pallas enters Sagittarius until Dec 7. You have an easier time seeing and teaching the broader patterns at work in the universe, and there may be a greater focus on expanding your horizons through learning. An open-minded approach to finding solutions is encouraged. Ethical consideration and morals are considered when making decisions and solving problems. International issues, cross-cultural understanding, and appreciation of diverse perspectives are emphasized.
Venus square North Node at 11:15am ET encourages you to re-evaluate your priorities when it comes to relationships and finances. Issues from the past may resurface requiring resolution. Examine your past relationship patterns and learn from previous experiences.
Sun sextile North Node at 5:16pm ET is often accompanied by success and achievement. You may find yourself in the right place at the right time encountering supportive circumstances and influential people who can help you on your path.
Moon in harmony with Jupiter and Saturn (7:00pm—9:00pm ET) brings opportunities for cautious expansion. It’s a time to be positive but practical. Lay the groundwork for long-term success.
Feb 7
Ceres enters Capricorn until Nov 11 (due to a retrograde) underscoring the importance of nurturing others and in a structured and responsible way. You’re encouraged to find practical ways to care for yourself and others and set healthy boundaries in caregiving dynamics.
Moon in Capricorn square Chiron at 10:33am ET encourages you to process old hurts or feelings of woundedness in order to feel a greater sense of wholeness. Learn to embrace your insecurities and imperfections with love and kindness.
Venus trine Uranus at 4:25pm ET promotes freedom and autonomy in relationships while still maintaining a strong connection with you partner. If single, you may experience an exciting sudden attraction to someone new. Welcome change and novelty. The Moon sets off the trine between Venus and Uranus (3:00pm—3:30pm ET)
Mars sextile Neptune at 7:19pm ET fosters a deeper connection to the spiritual realm and encourages you to act with kindness and compassion. Trust your intuition to achieve goals.
Venus trine Juno at 9:09pm ET promotes commitment and stability in relationships. You may experience a greater sense of closeness that strengthens the foundation of your relationship.
Feb 8
The Moon enters Aquarius at 9:00am ET for the next two days.
Pluto sextile Pallas can lead to profound insights into complex issues and dynamics. You’re encouraged to go beneath the surface to discover hidden patterns. This transit facilities that strategic execution of goals.
Sun square Uranus brings a greater desire for independence. You may seek to free yourself of constraints that hinder your self-expression. You may also question authority figures or societal expectations to seek greater authenticity in your life. Unexpected disruptions and upheavals are common.
Moon in hard aspect to Jupiter and Pluto throughout the day (9:30am—10:30pm ET) may make it tempting to take a short-cut in order to achieve your goals. Don’t abandon your morals and beliefs to get ahead.
Feb 9
Uranus trine Juno fosters an openness to change and a willingness to embrace alternative relationship structures that honor your personal needs and values. You may feel more relaxed about your partner doing their own thing.
Moon sextile Chiron at 11:07am ET supports forgiveness and the release of emotional pain and resentment. Let go of grudges to allow space for healing and renewal.
Moon square Uranus at 3:36pm ET often brings emotional turbulence and unpredictability. Unexpected events can challenge your sense of security. Be flexible as you go about your day.
The Aquarius New Moon is exact at 21 degrees at 5:58pm ET.
The Moon is void from 5:59pm ET until entering Pisces tomorrow at 9:00am ET.
Feb 10
The Moon enters Pisces at 9:00am ET for the next two days.
Mercury square Jupiter at 8:24am ET can result in information overload leading to scattered thinking or difficulty focusing. Be careful not to base decisions on inflated optimism rather than practical analysis.
Moon in harmony with Jupiter and Saturn (8:30pm—10:30pm ET) assists you in making steady progress toward goals. Confidence and optimism fuel your hard work and perseverance. You may be recognized for your efforts.
Sun trine Vesta at 7:49pm ET brings clarity of purpose and a strong sense of direction. You’re encouraged to channel your energy and attention towards activities that hold personal significance and meaning.
Feb 11
Venus square Eris at 7:18pm ET challenges the peace in relationships. You may experience conflicts or disagreements leading to feelings of anger and resentment. You may have to confront underlying feelings of envy and issues of alienation.
Moon in Pisces sextile Venus and Uranus (3:00pm—midnight ET) can bring a touch of spontaneity and electricity to your love life. It’s also possible you have an unexpected financial or material gain.