Jan 1
Venus square Saturn at 8:25am ET can point to relationship challenges. You may experience distance, disappointments, or delays. Look at partnerships realistically and potentially re-evaluate your priorities.
Mercury stations direct at 23 degrees Sagittarius at 10:07pm after being retrograde since Dec 13. Expect a gradual improvement in communication and decision-making. Messages are clearer and you can resolve misunderstandings. Projects or plans that may have stalled regain momentum. Important choices can be made without a fog of confusion. As Mercury goes direct in Sagittarius you may find travel plans smooth out, people are more receptive to new ideas, legal matters are resolved, and you’re more optimistic and future-oriented. Even though Mercury is direct, it will take a few days to speed up and start moving forward again. Still hold off on major decisions if you can. Mercury will return to Capricorn Jan 13 and leave its post-retrograde shadow Jan 20.
Moon in Virgo trine Uranus at 10:10pm can bring an element of spontaneity and excitement into your life. You may seek new experiences to satisfy your emotional needs.
Jan 2
Moon in Virgo in hard aspect to Mars and Neptune (9:30am—5:30pm ET) suggests the potential for confusion or a lack of clarity around emotional matters. Because of this be aware you’re more vulnerable to deception and misunderstandings.
Moon trine Pluto at 6:36pm ET suggests you’re more willing to let go of toxic emotional patterns and habits. You have the potential to gain deeper insights into your motivations and unconscious psychological dynamics.
The Moon is void from 6:37pm ET until entering Libra at 7:48mm ET.
Jan 3
Venus in hard aspect to Jupiter encourages you to reconcile your desire for fun and pleasure with the need for moderation. Over-indulging disrupts balance.
Moon square Sun at 10:31pm ET marks the 3rd Quarter Moon phase showing a need to integrate and adjust intentions set at the New Moon with the awareness gained at the Full Moon. Evaluate progress and make necessary changes. The Moon in Libra square the Sun in Capricorn suggests tension between balancing personal relationships and professional ambitions.
Mars at 29 degrees Scorpio indicates a sense of urgency around acting instinctively in areas related to crisis, intense emotional entanglements, sexual intimacy, other people’s resources or finances, and what’s hidden or taboo.
Jan 4
Mars enters Capricorn at 9:57am ET until Feb 13 shifting the focus to your ambitions, achievements, and making tangible progress, especially in your professional life. You tend to bring a structured and organized approach to what you do which leads to greater efficiency and productivity. Actions tend to be well-planned and executed strategically, and decisions are more likely to be well thought through. You are more willing to put in the work necessary to achieve goals and to persist in the face of challenges. During this transit, it will be important to you that your hard work and accomplishments are recognized.
Moon sextile Mercury at 5:25pm ET enhances emotional intelligence. You may find it easier to articulate your emotions, understand the emotions of other, and navigate conversations with sensitivity.
Jan 5
The Moon is void until entering Scorpio at 7:40am ET.
You may seek unconventional solutions and experiment with new approaches to solve problems with Uranus opposite Pallas. Strategies tend to be progressive and outside-of-the-box.
Moon sextile Mars at 9:03am ET enhances energy and assertiveness. It’s easier for you to stand up for yourself, make decisions, and get motivated.
Moon trine Saturn at 2:49pm ET makes it easier to manage emotions and respond to situations maturely. You’re more likely to express your feelings with compsure.
Moon opposite Jupiter at 6:35pm ET suggests the possibility of exaggerated or amplified emotional reactions. Regardless of challenges keep a sense of proportion in your responses.
Jan 6
Sun square Chiron may bring up parts of yourself that feel wounded or vulnerable. Confront and address old hurts that impact your self-confidence and work toward greater self-acceptance and understanding.
Moon in Scorpio sextile Sun at 2:12pm ET supports your emotional authenticity. You may feel more at ease with yourself leading to greater self-confidence.
Moon opposite Uranus at 8:25pm ET can make it challenging to maintain emotional stability. There may be a push-pull dynamic between your need for security and desire for excitement and change.
Jan 7
Mercury trine Eris at 9:28am ET encourages you to express your ideas with confidence and assertiveness. You may talk about or think about the parts of yourself that feel cut off, alienated, and left out. This is a repeat transit from Dec 27 when Mercury was retrograde.
Moon sextile Pluto at 3:22pm ET supports releasing emotional baggage. Doing so helps you become more resilient and gain psychological insights into your unconscious.
The Moon is void from 3:23pm ET until entering Sagittarius at 4:09pm ET.
Moon square Saturn at 11:11pm ET can indicate difficulty feeling emotionally satisfied or secure. You may feel like isolating or withdrawing.