• Jan 29

    Moon in Virgo opposite Neptune at 6:20pm ET can blur the line between fantasy and reality. You may feel a sense of emotional confusion or uncertainty that potentially leads to feelings of disorientation.

    Mercury trine Juno at 8:29pm ET sharing a strong mental connection with your partner. Negotiate, compromise, and come to mutually beneficial agreements.

    You’re more inclined to step outside your of comfort zone, try new things, and break free from routine with Mars trine Uranus. Seize opportunities that arise suddenly or unexpectedly.

  • Jan 30

    The day begins with the Moon in Venus-ruled Libra.

    You may feel doubtful or insecure about your attractiveness, worthiness of love, or value with Moon square Venus at 10:34pm ET. It may be tempting to seek external validation to compensate for internal doubts.

  • Jan 31

    Moon in Libra in hard aspect to Mars and Chiron (11:00am—9:00pm ET) can manifest as external conflict or friction that dredges up old wounds. Be aware of the need for emotional awareness and regulation to avoid situations where impulsivity can have adverse outcomes.

    Mars trine Juno at 4:51pm ET encourages you and your partner to align your goals and ambitions. This can lead to a greater sense of teamwork or unity. Expect to feel mutually empowered.

  • Feb 1

    The Moon is now in Scorpio.

    Mercury square Eris can trigger provocative speech and sharp tongues. You or others may be more inclined to express opinions forcefully or engage in verbal confrontations. There may be a tendency toward sarcasm which can escalate tensions and create conflict in relationships.

    Moon square Pluto at 4:22pm ET may bring a sense of rawness or vulnerability as buried emotions come to light. Feelings run deep which can lead to intense reactions.

  • Feb 2

    Mercury sextile Neptune encourages you to communicate with compassion and understanding. You find it easier to emphasize with others and connect with them on a deeper emotional level.

    Moon in Scorpio sextile Venus at 5:09pm ET encourages supportive relationships and social connections. You may feel more inclined to show gratitude, appreciation, and affection toward loved ones.

    Moon square Sun at 6:18pm ET encourages a period of reflection and assessment regarding the progress you’ve made since the Aquarius New Moon. Make necessary adjustments to align with your intentions and goals.

    Sun in Aquarius square Moon in Scorpio suggests tensions between approaching people and situations in a detached and intellectual way versus seeking a profound and intense connection. Aquarius also emphasizes individuality and independence while Scorpio emphasizes intimacy.

  • Feb 3

    Moon in Scorpio sextile Mars at 11:43am ET strengthens resilience. You may be better equipped to handle stress, setbacks, and emotional challenges. Your inner strength helps you to navigate challenges with courage.

    Moon in harmony with Mercury and Neptune (5:30pm—10:30pm ET) enhances intuition and insight. You may experience gut feelings that provide you with valuable guidance.

    The Moon is void from 10:26pm ET until entering Sagittarius at 1:29am ET.

  • Feb 4

    Moon in Sagittarius square Saturn at 2:10pm ET can trigger self-doubt or feelings of inadequacy. You may be overly critical of yourself or others leading to feelings of pessimism.

    Mercury sextile Pallas 5:47pm ET is conducive to strategic planning and decision-making. It’s easier to reason logically, think critically, and generate solutions to complex problems. Your decisions are based on rational analysis.